Have you heard back from colleges yet??

Working with teens all the time, and having raised a couple of them along the way, I’m acutely aware of the pressure that builds at this time of year.  Many kids are anxiously awaiting replies from schools and feeling the burden of having to base their entire future on one decision.  I’m not saying that’s […]

Is there a solution for every problem in therapy?

Is there a solution for all issues that bring folks into therapy?  It’s great when folks come into therapy with some resolvable issue – the need to get along better with their kids, communicate better with their spouse, improve co-parenting between couples whether they are doing so together or apart, or work toward alleviating anxiety or […]

Do you take better care of others than you do of yourself?

This is such a good question and one that requires examining on a case-by-case basis.  This is also something that seems to come up often with all of my clients – be they male or female, young or old.   I also encounter the issue among those in my personal life fairly frequently.  Since I’m […]

Are you thinking a lot about Robin Williams lately?

If  you are, you’re not alone.  In the past two or three months, four different people told me “I’ve been thinking a lot about Robin Williams lately,” and then looked closely at my reaction to see if I picked up their meaning.  Indeed, I have.  Every time. Beyond the media-fed prurient interest of the public’s […]

Keeping the flame alive and how couples counseling can help

The other day I was asked to be interviewed for an article on keeping the couple connected after having kids.  (I hope to post a link to this article but may not be allowed to as it was for a closed subscription publication).  I had a day to mull over that question and realized that […]

Supporting Our Community in School Settings

Over the past couple of weeks, things have been quiet.  College kids have come home from school, younger kids have been home as well.  Over the break,  I was touched to receive  this endorsement, written by the principal at the local middle school where I facilitated a series of parenting educational/support groups last semester: “Margaret […]

Waking up to shifts in adolescent awareness

Last week I was facilitating a parenting discussion group and the subject of adolescent anger and acting out arose.  We started exploring what kids in our community would have to feel angry about and, more importantly, what would lead them to self-destructive behaviors.  Of course, we adults know all about what there is to feel […]

Celebrating the holidays with your teen

The holidays are always a time for nostalgia.  We remember how we celebrated with extended family and friends, traveling to family or staying home and opening our doors to loved ones or neighbors or acquaintances who had nowhere else to go.  Some of us have memories that aren’t so good – hiding from parents who […]

Why I Love Working With Teens

Being a teenager can be equally great and difficult, sometimes even within the same day or even hour. Oftentimes, teenage life is a rollercoaster between the two, hitting so many peaks and valleys that highs and lows blur into each other. And it’s moving at full throttle, so much so that every emotion — positive or negative — gets felt with extra intensity.

There’s No Right Way To Grieve

Grief is a funny thing in American culture. Our society tends to structure it with sets of expectations, like it should execute at certain intervals over a specific timeline or directly follow the well-known Stages Of Grief. Grief comes in all forms and in all times. No one grief is greater than another; it’s all a personal journey.